Artikel-Schlagworte: „cisa exam prep“
CISA Training Innsbruck & Webinar
CISA Exam preparation class onsite Innsbruck 22nd till 25th of October 2012
(Location bfi Innsbruck Ing. Etzel Strasse, Innsbruck)
Instructor: Jay Ranade / Assistant: Andreas Jensch
Handouts used created and intellectual property of
Here are pictures from the Live On-site classes Spring 2012
Experienced IT control or audit or security professionals. There is no prerequisite to take the exam; however, in order to apply for certification you must meet the necessary experience requirements as determined by ISACA.
What Problem Does This Training Help Solve?
Provides training to help candidates prepare for ISACA’s CISA exam
Who Should Attend?
IT professionals interested in earning CISA certification
Course Material:
Content‐rich manual/course handouts consisting of about 650 foils and 700 axioms
Course Syllabus:
This training course is for individuals preparing to take the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam. In this course, professionals will learn the 5 job practice areas as determined by ISACA:
1. The Process of Auditing Information Systems (14%)
2. Governance & Management of IT (14%)
3. Information Systems Acquistion, Development, & Implementation (19%)
4. Information Systems Operations, Maintenance, & Support (23%)
5. Protection of Information Assets (30%)
There is no prerequisite to take the exam; however, in order to apply for the certification you must meet the necessary experience requirements as determined by ISACA.
Exam Support: Jay will answer any written questions up until the evening before the day of the exam. Please note that although questions will be sent by individuals, answers will be emailed to all attendees registered for the webinar. Identity of the question sender will not be disclosed. Jay will reserve the right to paraphrase the questions to enhance understanding.
If there are not enough participants we reserve the right to cancel the Seminar 14 days prior to the event and refund the full amount paid (for those already have had online access to the axioms a deduction of 350 € will be done).
Want to know more about Jay –
30 CPE (as per rule)
Attention: pls be aware 26th of October is national holiday in Austria.
Webinars / eSeminars
Instructor Jutta Staudach.
Content remains the same as for the onsite classes
CISA – 5th till 9th of November 2012 after work 6 pm. till 10 p.m. 21 CPE as per rule
CISA Class Innsbruck including 20% Austrian VAT
CISA Webinar including 19% German VAT
Das CISA® Online Training wird an fünf Terminen im Mai und Juni, jeweils Donnerstags in der Zeit von 18-22 Uhr durchgeführt.
Die Termine sind im Einzelnen:
10.05. / 17.05. /24.05. /31.05 sowie 07.06.
Der Kurs ist als Live Webinar mit 5 Einheiten von jeweils 4 Stunden konzipiert.
Kursleiter: Jutta Staudach (CISA, CISM)
Trainings Methoden: Webinar
Der Kurs richtet sich an erfahrene IT Prüfer, Auditoren oder IT Sicherheitsexperten.
Für die Teilnahme an der Examensprüfung gibt es keine bestimmten Bedingungen. Für die Beantragung des Zertifikats müssen allerdings die von ISACA bestimmten Vorraussetzungen erfüllt werden.
Ziel des Kurses:
Der Kurs dient den Teilnehmern zur qualifizierten Vorbereitung auf das CISA Examen nach ISACA.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
IT Experten, die Interesse an der CISA Zertifizierung haben.
Kursinhalte als Handbuch – bestehend aus 650 Folien und 700 Axiomen.
Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die sich auf das Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Examen vorbereiten. Alle Themeninhalte sind durch die ISACA vorgegeben und an die Berufspraxis angelehnt. Für das CISA Examen sind es folgende 5 Sachgebiete:
1. IS Audit Prozess (14%)
2. Strategieorientierte IT Führung und Organisation (14%)
3. Anschaffung, Entwicklung und Implementierung von Systemen (19%)
4. Betrieb, Wartung und Betreuung von Systemen (23%)
5. Schutz von Informationswerten (30%)
Unterstützung für das Examen: Der Kursleiter wird alle schriftlich formulierten Fragen bis zum Vorabend der Prüfung beantworten. Hierbei ist zu beachten, dass die Antworten auf Fragen Einzelner an ALLE Seminarteilnehmer gesendet werden. Die Identität des Absenders bleibt hierbei verborgen. Ich werde es mir vorbehalten, die Frage um zu formulieren, falls es für ein besseres Verständnis nötig ist.
Was unseren Kurs von Anderen unterscheidet sind die Axiome. Dies sind kurz gehaltene Lehr und Leitsätze aus den Kursinhalten, für alle vier Examen. Im Einzelnen:
CISA – 750 Folien, 800 Axioms: (Jay Ranade’s trademarked guide to learning)
CISM- 750 Folien, 540 Axiome
CRISC- 400 Folien, 300 Axiome
CGEIT – 400 Folien, 300 Axiome
Aufzeichnung vom freien Webinar –
Folien von selbigen –
Registrierungsformular – bitte vollständig ausfüllen – an Kunden innerhalb der EU und der Schweiz versende ich klassische Rechnungen. Danke!
Fragen? Gerne! oder +49.171.3833409 oder eine Xing PN – Danke!
21 CPE (as per rule)
Kosten: 611 € Brutto Vollzahler 520 € Brutto ISACA Member
Beste Grüße, Jutta Staudach
PS: bitte beachten – CISA kann auch in Deutscher Sprache abgelegt werden (ich empfehle Englisch) und die Registrierungsfrist endet HEUTE!
Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Salutation cordiales
Jutta Edith Staudach
Risk Management Professionals International, German Division
Director of Global Certification seminars
Holsteiner Str. 4
D-40667 Meerbusch
Phone: +49.2132.6792142
Priv.: +49.2132.979199
Cell: +49.171.3833409
Risk Management Professionals International, Austrian Division
Director of Global Certification seminars
Vöslauerstrasse 46, A-2500 Baden bei Wien
Jay Ranade CISA Axioms
1. DRP increases pre-and post incident operational costs but reduce business impact and recovery costs. However, recovery plan should strive to reduce RTO and recovery costs.
2. Risk assessment (RA) is usually done on an annual basis. After RA is done, the adequacy and effectiveness of the BC plan must be evaluated too.
3. Geographically dispersing resources and processing facilities mitigate vulnerabilities of a regional disaster.
4. Best evidence of the efficacy of DR plan in an organization is the practice of frequent tests and drills
5. Timely availability of hardware is a primary concern for warm site facility
6. An application when reaching the end of its life cycle can be decommissioned but not retired if the data needs to be retained for regulatory purposes
7. Protection of human life is the MOST important factor in any business continuity process. Remember, it is higher than data loss as well any other factor.
8. For email authenticity and confidentiality, it must be first encrypted with sender’s private key and then recipient’s public key.
9. Escorting visitors is the best preventive control for visitor access to a data center.
10. Most common problem with IDS is the detection of false positives (IDS detects events that are not really a security problem).
Out of 700 plus axioms
Those who will attend our classes will get the more – 700 plus axioms, plus handouts, plus 5 lectures of 4 hours each, plus sample Q/A, plus attendees can ask questions till the day before the exam.
Best, Jutta.
CISA® Online Class will be conducted (five Mondays in May/June) May 7, 14, 21, 28 and June 4 all times 6 PM to 10 PM German Time.
Instructor will be Jay Ranade.
Here are pictures from the Live On-site classes Fall 2011
Experienced IT control or audit or security professionals. There is no prerequisite to take the exam; however, in order to apply for certification you must meet the necessary experience requirements as determined by ISACA.
What Problem Does This Training Help Solve?
Provides training to help candidates prepare for ISACA’s CISA exam
Who Should Attend?
IT professionals interested in earning CISA certification
Course Material:
Content‐rich manual/course handouts consisting of about 650 foils and 700 axioms
Course Syllabus:
This training course is for individuals preparing to take the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Exam. In this course, professionals will learn the 5 job practice areas as determined by ISACA:
1. The Process of Auditing Information Systems (14%)
2. Governance & Management of IT (14%)
3. Information Systems Acquistion, Development, & Implementation (19%)
4. Information Systems Operations, Maintenance, & Support (23%)
5. Protection of Information Assets (30%)
There is no prerequisite to take the exam; however, in order to apply for the certification you must meet the necessary experience requirements as determined by ISACA.
Exam Support: Jay will answer any written questions up until the evening before the day of the exam. Please note that although questions will be sent by individuals, answers will be emailed to all attendees registered for the webinar. Identity of the question sender will not be disclosed. Jay will reserve the right to paraphrase the questions to enhance understanding.
Pricing 611 EUR incl. VAT
For ISACA Member price is CISA 520 EUR and CISM, CRISC 650 EUR incl VAT (if applicable)
Students and Military get a special price – please send us something that prove your state per email and we will tell you the pricing.
*Regardless of the refund amount listed, the amount refunded will never exceed the amount paid.
If there are not enough participants we reserve the right to cancel the eSeminar 14 days prior to the event and refund the full amount paid.
Want to know more about Jay –
Here you can find our other classes, as well.
Beschreibung in deutscher Sprache –
21 CPE (as per rule)
Best, Jutta Staudach.
Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Salutation cordiales
Jutta Edith Staudach
Risk Management Professionals International, German Division
Director of Global Certification seminars
Holsteiner Str. 4
D-40667 Meerbusch
Phone: +49.2132.6792142
Priv.: +49.2132.979199
Cell: +49.171.3833409
Risk Management Professionals International, Austrian Division
Director of Global Certification seminars
Vöslauerstrasse 46, A-2500 Baden bei Wien