Artikel-Schlagworte: „it services“

Lizenzmanagement Websphere Commerce

Web 2.0, Social Commerce, Social Communities sind in aller Munde. IBM bietet hierfür sogar eine beinahe „ready to use“ Suite für jedermann an.

Natürlich fragt sich der geneigte Benutzer sofort – es gibt 3 verschiedene Ausprägungen,

WebSphere Commerce Enterprise

WebSphere Commerce Professional

und last but not least

WebSphere Commerce – Express

Und? was nun nehmen? Also Express funktioniert prima bis zu 200 PVU’s (Processor Value Unit Licence)

Unterstützt wird – Linux, Windows, IBM i (formerly known as i5/OS®) – dieses sollte bei allen 3 Ausprägungen gleich sein.

Professional hat keine Limitierung – muss aber pro PVU’s lizensiert werden – z.B. Processor Value Unit (PVU) license USD $116,000.00 – 100 PVUs x 1,160.00

Professional, wie auch Enterprise unterstützt ausserdem weitere Betriebssysteme – hier: Operating systems supported: AIX, Linux, Solaris (Oracle/Sun Microsystems), Windows, IBM i (formerly known as i5/OS®)

Nun liegen beinahe die Fakten auf dem Tisch – was nun? Nun wird der geneigte Leser, was wäre wenn „spielen“ – besser gesagt rechnen anfangen müssen.

Natürlich hilft auch der IBM pre-Sales weiter – allerdings nimmt er Ihnen die Entscheidung nicht ab

ich helfe Ihnen gerne weiter auch mit Software Entwicklung Erweiterung des Produkts –– sprechen Sie mich an!

Beste Grüsse,

Jutta Staudach
Management Consulting & IT Services Düsseldorf

Oracle Migration 11.2 11g R2

Nachdem der Support nun kostenpflichtig geworden ist, werden sich viele Firmen insbesondere mittlere fragen, wie gehe ich mit der Problematik um? Insbesondere da bei der Migration auf 11g R2 viele Stolpersteine warten, mit einigen mag man noch umgehen koennen, andere werden viele Fragen aufwerfen?

Sie auch –

Nun gemeinsam mit meinen Kollegen, einer davon Mitstreiter seit 1999 kann ich Ihnen kostengünstige Alternativen anbieten

Siehe hier –

Sprechen Sie mich einfach an

Ihre Jutta Staudach


What is Offshoring 2.1?

Software Development

Together with our partners – a software company based in Saigon, Vietnam provides Offshore capabilities, and good to know the management onsite in Vietnam is either german or swiss.

What is Offshoring 2.1?
Traditional Offshoring (Offshoring 1.0)
The customer gives a „book“ of requirements to the vendor, expects an estimation, a price and an
end date for this specification. At this date, he receives a result. But until they receive the result,
the specification is usually out-dated. In worst cases the customer cannot even sell his product
because of lack of understanding of the specifications or missing important features, which were not
initially planned in the specs.

Agile Offshoring (Offshoring 2.0)
Instead of specifying all requirements in the beginning, agile approaches concentrate on deliver
quickly usable modules after iterations of 2 or 3 weeks. The software is not yet completed but the
customer gets so quickly an overview of the requested software. Misunderstandings or missing
features are found quickly and can be flexibly integrated into the next iterations.The customer gets,
what he needs and not what he specified weeks or months ago.
Continuous communication between the vendor and the customer is the most important requirement
for this approach. Only then customer feedback can easily implemented and changes of priorities
prioritization of features are possible. Additionally it is important, that customers and vendors see
themselves as partners with responsibilities for both.

Intercultural Communication (Offshoring 2.1)
As c ommunication is the decisive factor already in software development within one company, it gets
even more important within Offshoring and Agile Offshoring. Therefore a management of people from
the same cultural area as the customer are appointed to assure the progress and the quality of the
software development. With weekly status-meetings and full ac cess to the same productive tools as
the vendor, the customer knows at every time the status of the project. This ensures the important
customer feedback without cultural or even lingual barriers. The customer profits from an open
communication and a full transparency during the cooperation.

As you already figured out we offer Agile Software Development with SCRUM.

And we can provide you one fixed developer – as long as you need him/her.
Technologies used: mainly .net, c#, but the more java as well

and as my partner have long term Microsoft experience they are familiar with Sharepoint Development too
and already have helped custimers to migrate from Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2010.

Last but not least for interested potential customers a virtual meeting in Saigon can be arranged, to provide you better feeling how the people are working.

If it’s real need, sure we can provide you nearshore services and onsite support, too.

Questions? Feel free to give me a quick call or drop me an email – will be glad to help.

Best Regards,

Jutta Staudach

For more about the new services – visit me here –

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